

That is how we work!
Save a coin each day . . .

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Touching Hearts

Help us to put a smile on faces!



Educating the youth for a better life . . .



Our souvenirs to raise funds!

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About Us

Who we are!

tCg hopes to promote the idea of selfless giving, working together as a community to achieve a common goal and believing in one’s ability to change the society one lives in, by drawing on the collective resources of all those who believe in what we stand for.

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Latest Project

School Building Project in Accra

We are looking for sponsors / partners for a school project in Ghana! Not every child in Africa has the chance or the opportunity to attend school. Often lack the financial means alone for an exercise book and a pencil....
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28% Donated/GHS 21,387 To Go

We need your help

We want to put a smile on every face! Do it with a COIN!

YES – this is all one needs to do to be part of the dream group. The COIN group was built with the collective effort of selfless individuals, who donate coins each day of each month.

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